15 Blogs I Love Right Now, 7 Random Things About Me, & 1 Little Award

I'm honored to have won the Stylish Blogger Award from Kathy Morelli of  Marriage, Motherhood & Mental Health.
Thank you, Kathy!
This is a pay it forward award.There are 4 duties to perform to receive this award:1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award  

2. Share 7 things about yourself:1. I did Hypnobabies to prepare for my baby's birth.2. We love to travel and Baby is getting an early start. He'll visit his 7th state in February when he is 8 months old.3. I've lived in NYC, Boston, Cambridge, and San Francisco. Now, we're surrounded by woods. :-) 4. My husband and I were in the same social circle in the same class at the same college, but we didn't meet each other until a random occurrence 7 years after graduating college.5. My name is the combination of both of my parents names. Our son's name is a combination of our names. If you know our names, you can figure it out. ;-)6. I'm a vegetarian, but I love the smell of barbecue.7. When we first started dating, my husband bought me a guitar. Except I missed the fact that he bought it for me. I thought he was just lending me his guitar until I figured it out the next day. (At least now when I do things like this, I can blame it on mommy brain!)

3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.

(I'm just going to award 15 blogs that I really like and encourage you to check them out. :-)

5 New Baby Led Weaning Tips


Guest Post by Job Description: Mommy - Is All Children's Sleepwear Treated with Flame Retardant Chemicals?