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Mama's Elevator Pitch: What is This Blog Really About?

Now that I've made it through my first month of blogging, I'm taking on a new challenge called The Winter ProBlogger 31DBBB which stands for 31 Days to Build a Better Blog. Hopefully, this means you'll be spending time exploring an evolved and more enjoyable version of my current blog very soon!
Today is day 1 of 31DBBB, and the assignment is to come up with an elevator pitch for your blog.
“An elevator pitch is an overview of an idea for a product, service, or project. The name reflects the fact that an elevator pitch can be delivered in the time span of an elevator ride (for example, thirty seconds or 100–150 words).” —Wikipedia
Based on your visits to my blog, what do you think of the following?
Tagline: A window into the adventures of stay at home mamahood!
Short pitch: I’m a first time mom, who is unexpectedly a stay at home mama to an amazing baby boy born in June 2010. I’m loving what I now realize is the ultimate job, but I don’t know how long it can last from a financial standpoint, so I'm blogging to chronicle my adventures staying at home with my son and also sharing my desire and attempts to incorporate natural parenting and a healthy lifestyle into our days.
Keywords: baby, motherhood, parenting, natural parenting, healthy, new mom, stay at home mom

Audience: Mamas

I look forward to your feedback in the comments section below. Thank you in advance, and please feel free to explore other posts on my blog to make sure the above really fits well!