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Babies Get Jealous of Computers and Other Things My Baby Taught Me This Week

It's Friday and time to reflect back on my week with Baby. Here are three things my little love taught me this week:Babies get jealous of computers. While I was celebrating my blog's one month anniversary this week, my sweet boy was making it very clear that I need to relax a little about blogging and focus on improving my balance of baby and blog. He has communicated this by staring at me intently anytime I turn towards my laptop and making one of three sounds to get my attention: a) The heavy repeated "H" sound which sounds like a dog panting; b) The fake cough... self-explanatory; c) The menacing grunt. I have taken his hints, and over the past couple of days, I can actually see that he seems happier and more excited in general. I feel like a very bad mama for letting my #1 priority slip a tiny bit, but on the bright side of things, I can be thankful that I have a wise baby who has put me back on the path to righteous mamahood! (Have any other mama bloggers experienced this??? I would love a little empathy...)Babies who believe bathtime is the bane of their existence can LOVE the pool. I mentioned here once before that Baby and I are taking a free six week Water Babies class. I can now officially say that my son adores the pool and is apparently part fish. I can also officially say that his love of the pool has not rubbed off on bathtime in the least bit. He still screams like we are torturing him while in the bath. Meanwhile, in swim class, this same child moves around the pool like he was born there and has a little smile plastered to his face for about 80% of the time. We can't figure out what we are doing wrong with bathtime now that it is clear that fear of water is not an issue, so if you have any ideas, please please let me know in the comments section below!When babies learn to give real hugs, it is by far, the best thing you will ever experience in your life. It has become clear to us that Baby is now giving us real hugs. They are not random grabs. Our beautiful boy looks at us like we are the sun, the moon, and the earth combined and then dives in hard and squeezes us tight. It is sooooo incredible! I'm learning that this is the great thing about having children... Just when you think life can't get any better and your child couldn't be any more perfect, he goes and does something more amazing than you ever thought possible. I love mamahood!happy babyPhoto credit: Author