Sunday Surf: The Best of What I Read This Week

Here are some of my favorite posts from this week:
I'm so honored, and so happy because apparently kindness is contagious!:Saturday Sparkle - Commenter of the Week by Bibi at Daily Organized Chaos
This week was International Women's Day. I love this post for highlighting how far we have come and how far we have to go:It's International Women's Day 2011! by Almost All the Truth
I used midwife care during my pregnancy, and I'm so happy I did. If you've ever wondered why some people make this choice, check out this post by Lauren at HoboMama:March Carnival of Natural Parenting: Top 10 reasons to choose midwifery care
If you have had a C-section and didn't want one, you will appreciate this beautifully written post. I certainly did:Fluid by Robin at Farewell, Stranger
Looking to make your household a greener place? I always am, and I loved this list:The Top 10 Things Every Natural Household (with children) Should Have by Amanda at Let's Take the Metro
Do you hear recommendations to buy fair trade? If you would like a clear and simple explanation of what fair trade is, check out this post:What is Fair Trade? by Hip Mountain Mama Blog
I'm heartbroken for the people of Japan. In my two visits to this beautiful country, I met some of the kindest and most generous people I have ever come across in all of my travels around the world. If you're looking for a way to help, Hip Mountain Mama has written the following post:8 Ways to Help Japan
If you are a breastfeeding mama, check out this loving post:The truth comes out at bedtime... my so loves boobs... by Jessica at Cloth Diapering Mama


Happy 9 Month Birthday, Baby!


Random Act of Kindness: Let's Support a Mama to Be!