Earth Day Blog Carnival: My Earth Day Resolutions
Welcome to the Earth Day Blog CarnivalThis post is part of the Earth Day Blog Carnival hosted by Child of the Nature Isle and Monkey Butt Junction. Each participant has shared their practices and insights of earth friendly, environmentally conscious, eco-living. This carnival is our way to share positive information and inspiration that can create healing for our planet. Please read to the end of this post to find a list of links to the other carnival participants. Happy Earth Day!***
Although I've enjoyed Earth Day festivities in the past, Earth Day has taken on a whole new level of significance for me now that Baby is here. I want Baby to live in the best possible world: one that is healthy, safe, and beautiful for him and his future generations.
Although Baby is a bit too young to remember his first Earth Day this year, I want to start the tradition early of making sure to celebrate by writing Earth Day resolutions.
Since Baby can't write his own resolutions, I'm excited to preserve mine by sharing them on my blog so that one day Baby will see that we've been celebrating Earth Day and taking it seriously for his entire life.
Here are my 2011 Earth Day resolutions:
1. Clean indoor airWhat we do now: We've stopped using scented candles, air fresheners, and chemical cleaning products. The artificial ingredient of fragrance is something we want to avoid.
Our resolution to take it one step further:- We bought a good HEPA filter vacuum cleaner after doing a lot of research on Now when we vacuum, we know we are are removing many of the toxins and allergens from the air we breathe in our home.- We are also opening the windows every day, regardless of weather. Doing this for even 5 minutes per day will help clear the air in our home.
2. We're thinking about packaging and plastic.
What we do now: We recycle and try to avoid using canned foods due to BPA.
Our resolution to take it one step further: We're trying to avoid plastic whenever possible. This is the most difficult for us, but we're trying to do our best.
3. The great outdoors
What we do now: We love nature and being active outside. Baby has already been on more hikes than we can count, and he loves looking at plants, trees, and flowers.
Our resolution to take it one step further: This is our first year not living in the city, so now that we have a yard, we would like to grow a garden. Even if we only grow a single tomato plant this year, it's a step in the right direction as we want Baby to grow up knowing how food grows and where it comes from.
I hope you all have a very Happy Earth Day! I would love to hear your Earth Day resolutions in the comments section below!
Visit Monkey Butt Junction and Child of the Nature Isle to read all about the Earth Day Blog Carnival.***Going Green in 2011 - Jennifer at Hybrid Rasta Mama discusses the way she and her family are going “greener” in 2011.Our Greatest Teacher - Amanda at Let’s Take the Metro shares her experiences with her children and nature, their greatest teacher.Dreaming of Spring Gardening - Erin of the Waterloons talks about the ultimate in local food, her backyard garden.Earth Conscious Minimalism - Nada at miniMOMist thinks minimalism can help you save the world — as long as you don’t just toss everything in the trash! Check out Her list of places to donate (bet you haven’t thought of them all!).Blessings to the Earth - Amy at Anktangle believes that a simple act, such as being intentionally grateful for our food, is just the catalyst we need to bring about large-scale change.Eight Movies to Inspire Change - Mrs Green at Little Green Blog shares her top 8 movies that have inspired her to take action to make the world a better place. She’d love to hear your suggestions to add to her viewing list!Can I Have a Green Period Too? Kelly at Becoming Crunchy shares the environmental impact of switching to sustainable menstrual products, along with offering a great Mama Cloth giveaway for anyone interested in making the switch (and for those who already have and want to increase their stash!).An Eden to Call Our Own - Lucy at Dreaming Aloud shares how learning to care for the Earth starts in her own garden.Elimination Communication - Melissa at the New Mommy Files discusses the environmental impact of diapering, and why elimination communication was the best choice for her family.The Living Earth: A Meditation in Science and Reverence - Seonaid at The Practical Dilettante asks you to pause to wonder at the blessing of the fact that our living planet is here at all.Earth Day Anthem - Amanda at Let’s Take the Metro created a poem in honor of Mother Earth, women and nurturers everywhere.The Plasticity of Compromise - Zoie at TouchstoneZ shares how she is working to compromise on healthy family living and avoiding plastics whenever possible.Earth Day Resolutions - Charise at I Thought I Knew Mama shares why she has decided to make Earth Day resolutions, what those resolutions are, and how they are a step up from her current efforts at green living.Is it time for you to say “Enough!”? Mrs Green at My Zero Waste asks you to rise up and say ‘Enough!’ on Earth Day.Homeschooling with the Earth - Terri at Child of the Nature Isle shares her desires and dreams for Earth-based learning and the ways her two young children have already started a natural curriculum.Beyond the Green Sheen - Jenn at Monkey Butt Junction offers some advice on how to avoid greenwashing and make purchasing choices that really have a positive impact.