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Sunday Surf: The Best of What I Read This Week

I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend! We've had some great meals out - and I just love seeing Baby enjoy being at restaurants so much. Every time we eat out, I feel so thankful that we did Baby Led Weaning as I watch Baby happily feed himself everything from tortilla chips to shitake mushrooms to tomatoes to fruit salad. We went on a beautiful family hike yesterday, and today we're off to meet the Easter Bunny!
For your reading pleasure, here are some of my favorite blog posts from this week:
Has infertility touched your life? Or was it just a longer road to pregnancy than you had hoped for? If so, please consider sharing your story in Up, Down & Natural's If We Believe Blog Carnival. I'm looking forward to participating!
Breastfeeding mamas will really get a kick out of this post: Honest 2 Betsy: Laughing All the Way to the Breastmilk Bank.
If you're looking to have an eco-friendly Easter, this post from Almost All the Truth is for you: Have yourself an eco-friendly Easter!
Hilarious post from The Mommyologist! I tried to be mom sexy, but I failed!
If you have ever made a friend online, or if you're a blogger who has forged true friendships with other bloggers (as I have!), you will love this post by Mama's Monologues: Real Friends vs. In Real Life Friends
I highly recommend these two fascinating posts about raising mixed race children by Beyond the Brochure. If you've ever made an assumption about a child or family based on appearance, these posts will have you reexamining your experiences:Raising Mixed Race Kids: Where did he get those blue eyes?On Being a Second Generation Mixed Family
Congratulations to Kimberly of Reading with Bakin_Goddess (a beautiful blog!) for winning the book, Healthy Child, Healthy World in my giveaway this week!
Baby in bjorn