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3 Boston Area Summer Family Activities I Don't Want to Miss!

Last summer was the most incredible summer of my life because Baby was born in June 2010! Although we were out and about as much as possible with a newborn, I'm extra excited for this summer because exploring Boston and the surrounding areas will be that much more fun since Baby will now actually be able to enjoy it.
Here are 3 summer family activities I don't want to miss out on:
1. Free Fun Fridays at Museums Throughout New England:I have loved seeing museums through Baby's eyes, and I love them even more when we're visiting them for free! This is such a great selection of museums, and I now know what we'll be doing every Friday for the months of July and August.
Baby at sculpture park
2. Drive-In Movies:Last summer, we were so excited to get out and see movies as Baby alternated between nursing and sleeping on me as we huddled all together for the ultimate summer activity - drive-in movies! This year, I look forward to getting there early and letting Baby crawl around the field and play with all of the other children before the movie starts. We love the cheap rates, nostalgia, old school concession stands, and ability to get out and see a movie - without leaving Baby behind.
3. Juice in the City Deals:I can't wait for Juice in the City Boston to launch later this summer! As a SAHM, I limit Baby and my activities to things that are free or incredible deals. Knowing that I'll soon be receiving daily deals for my area that have been sourced by other moms in the area makes me feel confident that Baby and I will be able to get out and explore on the cheap at places that are trusted and recommended by other moms. Here is some more information on how to sign up for Juice in the City - or how to work at home with Juice in the City.
What summer fun family activity are you most looking forward to?