What I Wish I Knew About Breastfeeding During Pregnancy

As the little love of my life approaches his one year birthday, and as I approach my one year anniversary of breastfeeding, I often find myself reminiscing about my pregnancy and the very early days with Baby. I've learned so much about breastfeeding and about myself in general over these past eleven months, and sometimes I wish I could go back and slip the pregnant me a little note with some advice. Here is what I wish I could tell myself:
You don't need breastfeeding interventions!
I spent countless hours of my pregnancy reading about the many possible medical interventions that are often pushed on women throughout pregnancy, labor, and delivery. I felt very informed about these things and summoned all of the inner strength I needed to support my beliefs about doing things as naturally as possible whenever anyone asked - be it a medical professional, my midwife, my family, or friends. What I did not realize is that interventions also spill over into the realm of breastfeeding.
To continue reading this post, please visit Mama Eve where you will see my guest post in its entirety! Mama Eve is an incredible blog that explores the full spectrum of natural parenting. Suchada, the wise woman behind Mama Eve, has taught me so much through her posts, and I am honored to have a piece published on her site today. I hope you enjoy my guest post there and have fun exploring Suchada's blog!
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