Dear Baby: A window into who you are at 13 months

Dear Baby,Happy 13 Month Birthday! You are the most amazing person I've ever known! Here's a little window into who you are at 13 months.
- You melt our hearts when you say Mama and Dada. You like to lie in bed between us with a hand on each of us and say, "Mama and Dada! Mama and Dada!"
- Your very best friend is Kaia the Kitty. You chase her and roll all over her and pet her and hug her and kiss her all day long.
- You love nature. You wave to trees, plants, and flowers. You love to play with sticks. We keep plants and flowers in your bedroom because you like to pet them and wave to them.Baby smiles and hugs tree
- You love all animals. You wave to birds flying in the sky and say ewwwww (the sound you make when you like something) when you see real animals, animals in books, or even pictures of cats and dogs on the products in the pet food aisle at the store.
- You love to read! You would be happy to spend several hours each day being read to and flipping through your books on your own. You turn books right side up when they are upside down and love to turn pages. Your favorite books have pictures of kittens in them, and you love rhymes. You especially enjoy Dr. Seuss's ABC right now.
- You are so affectionate! You give lots of tight hugs and kisses. There is no better feeling in the world than getting a hug from you!
- You still love watching Dada play guitar. You like to bounce and dance when we sing.
- We think your favorite color is blue. You especially like blue cars, which is the kind of car that Dada drives to work.
- You love to splash in the water at the beach or in your water table.
- You communicate very clearly even though you don't really speak our language yet. You shake your head no, do excited hands when you wants something, and let us know exactly what you need.
- Sometimes we crack each other up. If one of us laughs, then the other starts laughing and we can laugh for several minutes straight over nothing.
- You're into feet lately. You like one foot up on your high chair tray while you eat and one of your feet next to your face or my face when you nurse.
- You love to kick your legs super fast. We say: Kick kick kick kick kick! and you smile big and kick faster.
- We "talk" while I drive the car. You say: Mama. I say: Mama loves Baby! Also, if I make any kind of sound, you repeat it back to me. You especially like to make a clicking sound or a rolling brmmm brmmm sound.
- You love to drum on things - whether it's the couch, the walls, or your real drums.
- You are curious and love to explore.
- You really like the 'H' sound right now. When we say hi to you, you make the 'H' sound back. When we get to the 'H' page in your ABC book, you make the 'H' sound.
- Your favorite foods lately are scrambled eggs, peanut butter, multigrain pizza crust from the pizzas Dada makes, and green smoothies.
- You like to crawl under things - our legs, chairs, tables, or any small space will do.
- You are funny, sweet, bright, curious, loving, and all around incredible! Mama and Dada fall asleep talking about how amazing you are every night.
Thank you for brightening my days and nights, filling my heart to capacity, and making me smile more than I ever thought possible.Love,Mama


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