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Sunday Surf: My Favorite Blog Posts of the Week (Link up your favorite post too!)

We're back from a wonderful four day trip to Cape Cod where we had lots of beach and pool time, delicious outdoor meals, and some fun firsts like Baby's first lick of ice cream and first time riding a carousel. I hope all of my Canadian friends had a very Happy Canada Day and that my American friends are enjoying this lovely weekend of the 4th!
In between your celebrations, I hope you'll have time to check out a few of my favorite links from the week:
Finally by Green and Clean Mom - Sommer wrote a book called "My Mommy is a Blogger!" - I can't wait to read this!
A breastmilk sharing how-to - A guest post by Amy of Anktangle for Hobo Mama. This post also contains a specific way you can help support a mama and baby in need.
No, She Can't Count to Ten by Amanda at Let's Take the Metro. I love this post because Amanda expresses my feelings exactly about children's "milestones."
It's Summertime Baby! by Lindsay at Verdant. I'm looking forward to trying these summertime essential oils as first aid remedies.
Blog Tips: Making Photo Collages & Using Photoscape by Simone at Great Fun 4 Kids. This is an easy tutorial on a fun picture tool I've been wanting to try.
Working Toward Cooperation by Dionna at Code Name: Mama. I love Dionna's suggestions for gentle parenting and how she takes typical frustrating scenarios between a parent and child and then offers suggestions for alternative ways to handle them - with approaches that sound extremely feasible!
Link up your favorite post of the week - either your own or someone else's - with the link below!