5 Reasons Breastfeeding is the Ultimate Convenience
This post is part of the World Breastfeeding Week celebration running from August 1-7, 2011.
Most of us have heard about the many benefits of breastfeeding, and although my decision to breastfeed my son was based upon reasons like breastmilk being the ultimate food for babies, I have to admit that reasons of convenience now play a big role in why I am continuing to breastfeed Baby at 13 months with no end in sight.
These are the 5 reasons why I don't want to give up the convenience of breastfeeding:
1. Breastfeeding makes air travel so much easier!Baby completed his third roundtrip flight this Tuesday, and as we were landing, I told my husband that I would breastfeed Baby forever just to reap the benefits of nursing while flying. Baby has now flown from Massachusetts to North Carolina, California, and Colorado (and visited 10 states!) and he has been downright awesome on each flight, thanks to nursing. The pressure of takeoff and landing has never bothered his ears as I nurse him on the way up and down, and he has slept for at least 2 hours on each flight thanks to the relaxing effects of nursing combined with the white noise and movement of the plane.
2. I have never passed my germs on to Baby.I love that I never have to worry about getting Baby sick. No matter what kind of illness I have had in the past 13 months, Baby has never caught it thanks to receiving the antibodies to those illnesses through my breastmilk. When I'm feeling sick, the last thing I feel capable of is caring for a sick baby, and thanks to breastfeeding, that has never happened.
3. I never have to worry about a diminished appetite.No matter how diminished Baby's appetite may be due to illness or travel or teething, I never have to worry about Baby not getting enough nutrition or calories. There is nothing that keeps Baby from wanting to nurse, so although there have been times when Baby didn't want to eat much table food, I have the convenience of knowing he is still getting everything he needs from breastmilk.
4. I have built in immediate and automatic comfort for Baby.Baby has been in the stage of learning to be mobile in various ways for quite some time. This means he experiences lots of falls, tumbles, bumps, and bruises. Although he has never done anything serious like breaking a bone (Thank God!), no matter how hard he cries in response to a little accident, I can always calm him immediately by nursing him. He feels safe, secure, and placated with seconds, and I love that.
5. No matter where we are and what I have packed - or forgotten to pack - in the diaper bag, I always have food and drink for Baby.We could be at church, hiking a mountain, or on a longer walk than anticipated. Regardless of where we are, as long as I'm with Baby, I know he has access to quick and easy food and drink.
If you consider breastfeeding to be convenient, how has it helped you and your little one?
I’m celebrating World Breastfeeding Week with Natural Parents Network!
You can, too — link up your breastfeeding posts from August 1-7 in the linky below, and enjoy reading, commenting on, and sharing the posts collected here and on Natural Parents Network.
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