Joy Pockets

Follow my blog with BloglovinI am writing my first Joy Pockets post today inspired by Bohemian Twilight. "No matter what is going on in our lives finding the little moments that bring us some joy reminds us what we are here for... to love life."
A Saturday morning with sunlight streaming through the windows, my husband playing guitar, a happy baby, and a good book in my lap as I relax on the plays guitar for toddler*Looking out the window with Baby to see several beautiful birds feeding in our bird house for the very first time.*Baby's laps throughout the house holding some of his favorite items - his dada's (clean) boxers.*Baby's love of books - especially my picture-less library books.Toddler carries heavy adult library book.*The many, many times each day that Baby stops what he is doing to come over and hug me while chanting Mamama.

joy pockets


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