Joy Pockets #2

I'm linking up with Holistic Mama to share my Joy Pockets from this past week: "No matter what is going on in our lives finding the little moments that bring us some joy reminds us what we are here for... to love life."
Gazing at my 15 month old's many incredible expressions*Watching my son learn to do new things. This week: saying the word "more"; pointing out both his and my eyes, ears, nose, teeth, and mouth when asked; using the mallets to hit his drum with a new level of coordination; mimicking the music class teacher's motions.*Deciding to officially be a freelance writer and then selling an article the very next day.*Fall activities on our calendar such as apple picking, a farm tour, and hikes.*My son's love for his kitty.toddler hugs cat*Listening to my toddler's laughter and sound effects.
What joy pockets did you experience this week?


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