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Book Giveaway: Saffron Dreams - A story of 9/11, Muslim experience in the U.S., and motherhood (#Rafflecopter)

Saffron Dreams by Shaila Abdullah is a book that touches upon several themes, all of which were very interesting to me: 9/11, a Muslim woman's experience during the 9/11 aftermath, and motherhood - specifically motherhood of a special needs child. If any of these themes interest you, I think you'll find this book as gripping as I did.Cover of Saffron DreamsThe main character, Arissa Illahi, a Muslim artist and writer, is a passionate and unabashedly honest narrator. Her accounts of growing up in Pakistan are filled with vivid imagery that provide a true sensory experience. I was fully immersed in the love story between Arissa and her husband and devastated throughout the descriptions of 9/11, which ultimately brings Arissa to widowhood and single motherhood.Abdullah utilizes her unique characters and setting to explore the societal pressures and isolation of widowhood, Muslim life in America, and the mothering of a special needs child. I really appreciated these perspectives on aspects of womanhood that I do not personally experience, but nonetheless shape the female experience of many strong women out there, and therefore are of great interest to me.I highly recommend this book to anyone who appreciates stories of survival, refreshing individuality, and redemptive healing. To learn more about Saffron Dreams, you can listen to an interview with Shaila Abdullah here.Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I received a copy of the book from the publisher. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way.Win a copy of Saffron Dreams! (Giveaway closes on Tuesday, 9/27/11 at 12:00 pm EST)