5 Tips for Practicing Gentle Discipline With Your Toddler

I'm honored to have a post - 5 Tips for Practicing Gentle Discipline With Your Toddler  - on Natural Parents Network today!
Here is a peek at the post:

Toddlerhood is such an exciting time, and as parents we have the privilege of being firsthand witnesses to our child’s rapid development into a full-fledged individual with her own personality, likes, dislikes, and preferences. For many parents, this wondrous times can also be fraught with questions, challenges, and self-doubt as we try to navigate a new dimension of parenthood. Go-to solutions for calming our child like breastfeeding or cuddling may not have the same power they once did, and we may find ourselves wondering how we can balance the approach of parenting gently and naturally with helping our child develop self-control and self-discipline.
As a mama of a 19-month-old son, here are five guidelines I do my best to follow in order to foster my son’s individuation while still maintaining my attachment parenting principles...

I hope you'll visit Natural Parents Network to read the rest of this post, and I would love to hear your tips for practicing gentle discipline with a toddler in the comments section below!

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