5 Ways to Create a Non-Toxic Environment (Green & Natural Mamas Bloghop)

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Each week, I feature one post from the previous week's Green & Natural Mamas Bloghop. This week, the featured post is:
5 Ways to Help Create a Non-Toxic Environment by Stephanie of Good Girl Gone Green

Dr Bronners
Here is an excerpt:

We are exposed to toxins on a daily basis, but just how much depends on the foods we eat, the furniture we sit on, the lotions we decide to put on our bodies, etc. The degree to which we potentially put our children’s health at risk depends on the different products we decide to bring into the house. Their exposure to toxins begins before they are even born. Whatever we inhale or ingest can have a lasting effect on our children...
If you are a parent to be or looking to rid some toxins from your house, here are my top 5 must haves to less our environmental and toxic impact:
Continue reading the post here.
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Green & Natural Mama Thursday @ I Thought I Knew Mama

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Also, this week, we have a giveaway for the pregnant or trying to conceive natural parents out there:Birthright Book Review & Giveaway: Empower Your Pregnancy! {3/27; U.S.}


5 Green Living, Spring Cleaning Tips


Wordless Wednesday: Baby is as Big as a Peacock (LINKY)