5 Chores Your Toddler Can Do!

Today's guest post is by Michelle of Everything's Abuzz!
After my recent post, Moving From One to Two, I was asked by several friends how I actually get anything done with two little children and especially ones that are 19 months apart. The answer for me? I get them involved...in chores! GASP! The main tip for me was that you have to invest the time to show them how to do each task and guide them until you are both comfortable. Our children love to help us with our chores. They know they are contributing to keeping the house in order and we get to spend quality time together while getting the "job" done!toddler vacuumHere are 5 chores your toddler can do! (no compensation given in our house!)

    • Help to Empty the Dishwasher -Lil Bee is an expert at unloading the dishwasher. She knows what to reach for and what's for "mommy". Since we have 90% glassware, we taught her to use two hands, place things gently on the counter or in our hands. So far, So good! (I wouldn't recommend putting sharp knives in the dishwasher, it's dangerous for your toddler, and not good for your knives!)
    • Laundry Detail -Both children are a huge help here. They can unload the clothes from the washer, know to shake them out a bit and then put them in the dryer. They can help to collect matching socks, fold their undies, and put their "piles" into their drawers. When they undress, they put their clothes in the hamper all by themselves.
    • Feed a Pet- Whether it's a fish or a dog, your toddler can help. Perhaps you can help scoop the food or get something to dispense the food that is suited for your toddler. They love to fill up water bowls too! (where applicable, remember to remind your child to "back" away once your animal commences eating)
    • toddler grocery

    • Set the table/clear the table- I help my littles by putting the things we'll need for a meal on the counter and they carry it to the table, and are able to set each place setting. They can even fold the cloth napkin and place it next to each dish. Once a meal is over, they place their dishes next to the sink or with guidance, right into the dishwasher. Again, this takes some practice, but our little ones beam after this accomplishment.
    • Water house plants-our little ones love giving a drink to our plants, they love the watering can and once we got "how much is enough" down our plants are healtheir than ever before!

    What are some chores your little ones help you to do ?  

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    Michelle is a former elementary school teacher, turn SAHM and self-described “green” fashionista. She is a NYC woman, turned burbs mama, raising her 2 B’s in an eco conscious manner. She blogs about natural parenting and green living at www.everythingsabuzz.com. She is not only a contributing writer for Momtrends, but there you'll also find her own column, Syncing Your Style. Find her on twitter @queentob or facebook.


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