Homeopathic Vaccinations as an Alternative to Orthodox Vaccinations

I am so excited to be contributing to I Thought I Knew Mama while Charise is on her babymoon. Recently, I posted my reasons for not vaccinating my own son on my blog, African Babies Don't Cry, and to follow with this theme I have researched into the alternatives to orthodox vaccinations. One such alternative is Homeopathic vaccinations.

It is becoming more popular, as parents are becoming more informed, to opt out of routine orthodox vaccinations. Homeopathy can offer a safe and effective alternative to orthodox vaccination via a program of homeopathic remedies known as ‘Homeoprophylaxis’, which protects against the same diseases as the conventional vaccination program.

What is Homeopathy? The Society of Homeopaths explains it as such: 

Homeopathy is a system of medicine which involves treating the individual with highly diluted substances, given mainly in tablet form, with the aim of triggering the body’s natural system of healing. Based on their specific symptoms, a homeopath will match the most appropriate medicine to each patient.

Homeopathy is based on the principle that you can treat ‘like with like’, that is, a substance which causes symptoms when taken in large doses, can be used in small amounts to treat those same symptoms. For example, drinking too much coffee can cause sleeplessness and agitation, so according to this principle, when made into a homeopathic medicine, it could be used to treat people with these symptoms. This concept is sometimes used in conventional medicine, for example, the stimulant Ritalin is used to treat patients with ADHD, or small doses of allergens such as pollen are sometimes used to de-sensitise allergic patients. However, one major difference with homeopathic medicines is that substances are used in ultra high dilutions, which makes them non-toxic. 

What Are Homeopathic Immunizations?

Homeopathic Immunizations are usually made from disease material, also known as a nosode. The disease material is then prepared in a homeopathic manner in order to render it completely safe and non-toxic, a method called Homeoprophylaxis (HP). Homeopathic immunizations are administered orally rather than given as a shot. Because of the minute amount of the active substance present in the homeopathic preparation, the agent is viewed by the bodies’ immune system in a similar manner to that of the virus.

My gorgeous unvaccinated son, Jesse. 

The difference between Homeopathic Vaccinations and Orthodox Vaccinations:

The main difference is how they are administered, Homeopathic vaccinations are administered orally which Homeopaths assure gives the body's immune system a chance to fight the virus and build up resistances. This is the because the mouth (and nose) is the normal route for our bodies to receive viruses. Whereas orthodox vaccinations are administered into the skin, by-passing the immune systems biggest virus fighter, the lymphatic system, thus causing unnatural reactions.

While orthodox vaccinations are full of chemicals, preservatives and other foreign material, the Homeopathic ones are not. Thus if your child does have a reaction to the vaccine, it is not a toxic reaction as can be experienced with conventional vaccinations. They represent a clearing effect and indicate that the child has a predisposition to this particular disease. According to most sources, any reaction such as a fever or skin eruptions will likely be mild and short-lived.

How Effective are Homeopathic Vaccines?

According to a 15 year study done on 2342 children by renowned Homeopathic immunization expert Dr. Isaac Golden, the effectiveness of Homeopathic vaccinations is 90%. This means that they are just as effective or even more effective than regular vaccines.

The use of Homeopathic vaccinations was first described by Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy, in 1801. He used the remedy Belladonna 30 to successfully treat patients with the disease Scarlet Fever, but found that the remedy also helped to prevent the disease. He then used   Homeopathic vaccinations to prevent such diseases as Cholera and Typhoid. In the decades following, many leading Homeopaths used  Homeopathic vaccinations to prevent a variety of infectious diseases, mainly in acute epidemic situations.

According to raw food and health guru David Wolfe, from whom I first heard about Homeopathic vaccinations, there has been an accidental study in California, with surprising results:

  • Children who where immunized - high percentage got sick. 
  • Children who didn't get any immunizations, all got sick. 
  • Children with Homeopathic immunizations - none got sick. 
For more information on scientific studies and research for the efficacy of Homeopathic vaccinations, visit here.

So, what next if you decide to go ahead with Homeopathic vaccinations?

Visit a Homeopath in your area to purchase an immunisation kit. The kit contains vaccinations to cover all illnesses that orthodox vaccinations claim to protect against. The vaccinations usually begin when the child is one month of age, and continue in reducing frequency, up until your child is four years old, or 12 years if you choose to include Rubella. However the program is flexible, if you start late you continue to give the vaccinations in the order prescribed by your Homeopath until you have caught up with the ages of the administration program. Click here for a full Homeopathic Immunisation Schedule

Will I be using Homeopathic Vaccinations with my son?

To be honest, I haven't decided yet. I like the fact that the vaccination schedule is flexible, and so I could catch up at a later date if I decided to go this route. I don't like how it is a societal norm to try and prevent something that my son hasn't even been exposed to yet, and may never be exposed to. Homeopathic vaccinations are still fear based, and there are always potential side effects, you never know how your child's body will react to any foreign bodies it is introduced to. 

Christine is a teacher turned work-at-home mom to her beautiful son, Jesse. She lives in South Africa and is passionate about bringing up her son as naturally as possible. Christine blogs at African Babies Don't Cry where she often writes about natural nutrition and toddler health. She keeps busy by volunteering for the Natural Parents Network, being an avid gardener and a healer in training. You can also find her on facebook.


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