DedicationLast weekend, we celebrated my baby girl's Dedication with an intimate ceremony at our church and a family party at our house. I would like to share the poem that I wrote for her ceremony. If you would like to check out the poem that I wrote for my son's Dedication two years ago - the poem that also explains the name of my blog - please click here.
Through your beautiful, natural birth,We learned that you are a trusted guide, always pointing us in the right direction.In your lovely eyes,We see a deep wisdom, a pure sagacity that will only grow with time.In your firm grip,We feel a fierce strength, a vitality that will navigate life’s winding path.In your sweet voice,We hear unadulterated joy, a life spring from which you will always drink.In your bright smile,We see a radiant spirit, one that easily and quickly lights up the lives of others.In your infectious laughter,We sense an enthusiasm for life, the kind that can throw light upon encroaching shadows.In your vibrant movements,We see a zestful energy, a lively essence that can inspire others to action.In your steady gaze,We see commitment, a sense of loyalty and deliberation that will comfort those around you.Through your heart,Once beating within Mama’s body, and forever echoing the palpation of our love for you,We see you - as the loving child you are now and as the strong, beautiful woman you will one day be;We feel you - and all the authenticity and originality that you bravely bring to this world;We hear you - We are deeply listening, always listening;We feel you - nested unflinchingly in our hearts and in the most profound places of our being;We give you - all that we are: our love, our faith, our hope.We thank you - for being all that you are and for making our family’s life complete.- Charise Rohm Nulsen
To see pictures from this special day, please visit my Wordless Wednesday post.


3 Ways to Have a Healthier and Greener Halloween


Wordless Wednesday: A Dedication to Remember {Linky}