Our Holiday Wish: A Plastic-Free World
Can you imagine a plastic-free world? I know it seems impossible to imagine, but there is one important step that we can all take this holiday season: We can join the plastic bag ban movement.
Is your city on the plastic bag ban map??
If your city is not yet on the plastic bag ban map, think specifically about the health implications of using plastic. Then, consider the pros and cons of helping to add it to the map:
How can you go reusable in order to give the gift of a plastic bag free world?
Here are 3 easy steps:
1. Do you really need a bag?
Stop and think before you accept a plastic single use bag at the store. If you are just running in for a few things, toss them into your purse or just carry them.
2. Keep a foldable tote in your purse or car.
There are foldable totes sold all over so pick one up and you will never be without a reusable bag again. You can also order on online from ConservingNow or Factory Direct Promos.
3. Pat yourself on the back each time you remember.Research shows that it takes 18 to 254 days to form a habit, so give yourself some time! You will get there!
What are your tips for going plastic-free?