10 Ways to Play With Your Toddler While Breastfeeding Your Baby
After 23 months of having 100% of my attention, I wanted my son’s transition to being a big brother to be as gentle and natural as possible.
During my husband’s paternity leave, Big Brother received constant dedicated attention from my husband as I took the lead on caring for our baby girl. When my husband went back to work, I wanted Big Brother to continue to feel like interacting with him was a priority for us, but the reality was that I was somewhat confined to the couch due to Little Sister’s breastfeeding needs.
This led to my coming up with many ways to play with my son while still breastfeeding my daughter.
To view 10 ways to play with your toddler while breastfeeding your baby, please visit my post on Natural Parents Network.
How have you given your older child attention while nursing your little one?
This post is linked up at the Seasonal Celebration Linky on Natural Mothers Network.