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Take 30 Seconds to Help Make Healthy, Organic Food Accessible for All Families

Today, I am writing about an issue that is near and dear to my heart: Buying organic.
Why is it so important to me? I want to provide my family with the best possible chance at living long and healthy lives. Cancer has impacted the lives of several of my closest family members, and each and every time I choose to buy organic, I believe I am making a choice to limit my family's exposure to toxins and chemicals that could play a role in whether or not we can ward off cancer and other environmentally impacted illnesses that we may already be predisposed to.
Take 30 Seconds to Help Make Healthy, Organic Food Available to All Families
No one can argue the fact that buying organic groceries costs more money than buying non-organic, but it doesn't have to be that way. We can choose to take a stand and demand that our tax dollars be spent on helping all families have access to healthy and organic foods.
Congress will soon vote on a new farm bill - the federal measure with the greatest impact on the food we eat. Currently, your tax dollars go to highly profitable agribusinesses that don't need the help and to people who don't live anywhere near a farm. The government does very little to help farmers grow organic fruits and vegetables.
By signing the petition below, you are telling Congress that you want your tax dollars to go to programs that help families gain greater access to healthy, affordable food in the new farm bill.
This petition will be sent to Frank D. Lucas, Chairmain of the House Committee on Agriculture and Debbie Stabenew, Chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry.
Please take 30 seconds to help change this country's priorities when it comes to the health of our families. No parent should have to stand in a grocery store aisle wishing they could buy the best for their family, and then choosing an option that is less than what their family deserves simply because of cost. This is America. We can voice our opinions and demand better for our families.
If you're wondering why it is so important to buy organic groceries, please visit this post.[embedit snippet="takepart"]Thank you so much for taking a stand with me! Our children deserve the best!

Thanks to TakePart for sponsoring today's discussion!