5 Things to Try Before Telling Your Child to Wait a Minute

BabywearingSince our baby girl was born seven months ago, I have been astonished at the number of times I have needed to tell my two year old son to wait a minute.I know this is one of the realities of having more than one child, but it breaks my heart to not give my son my undivided attention after spending 23 months of giving him immediate parental support and love. I’ve been working on ways to be more responsive to my toddler. Today at Natural Parents Network, I'm writing about 5 things that are working for me. Come check out 5 Things to Try Before Telling Your Child to Wait a Minute and leave your own suggestions!


The Tuesday Baby Link Up - Week 29


Tips for Buying Affordable Organic Groceries and a Stop & Shop Gift Card Giveaway {5/20; US; $20}