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How to Teach Your Kids About Love

How to Teach Your Kids About Love

We don’t have to buy into the Hallmark version of Valentine’s Day, but a holiday focused on love gives us the chance to share some valuable lessons with our kids. This year let's redefine the holiday with a focus on empathy, kindness, generosity, and education.

For some, Valentine’s Day has no meaning and is simply a holiday invented by the card companies. For others, it’s an opportunity for romance and candy and cards. Regardless of how you choose to view the holiday related to your adult relationships, Valentine’s Day can actually be a wonderful opportunity to teach our kids about love.

Love is a complicated subject, and depending on the ages of our children, there is much to teach and discuss. If you’re looking for ways to embrace Valentine’s Day as a teachable moment, here are some ideas for how you can do it:

Read the entire article here on Family Education: https://www.familyeducation.com/valentines-day/how-to-use-valentines-day-to-teach-kids-about-love