Parenting is A Lot Like Groundhog's Day


Parenting can seem a lot like Bill Murray's Groundhog Day, repeating the same routines and tasks day in and day out. Yes, we know it’s the most important job that could ever be done. Yes, we are aware that we are leaving our mark on the next generation. Yes, we love our children more than life itself.

Still, the truth of the matter for all parents is that parenting - like any job or calling - can be boring with all of its trappings of routine and incessant giving. Throw in a lack of sleep and a few patterns of especially challenging parenting responsibilities like explosive diaper changes, and you’ve got a parent’s version of Groundhog Day for days.

What can we do to break the repetitive cycles of parenting in order to rejuvenate ourselves (and be the best versions of ourselves for our kids)?

Read the full article here on Family Education.


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