5 Santa Trackers for Christmas Eve
Is Santa real? There is nothing more real and special than the magic and joy that Santa Claus has brought to so many of us for as long as we can remember. There are so many exciting ways to get ready for Santa, but tracking Santa on Christmas Eve might be the most fun of all. Here are five ways you can track Santa and learn about his travels on the way:
The Official NORAD Santa Tracker is amazing because it uses an incredible tool to track the ultimate Christmas Eve journey. Every hour of every day of the year, NORAD tracks every single thing that flies in and out of the air space surrounding North America. On Christmas Eve, they expand their capabilities to track the most important flight of the night, Santa’s magical sleigh ride. You can read all about NORAD’s Santa tracking efforts for the past sixty years here.
Google Santa Tracker
Not only can you track Santa on Google’s Santa Tracker, you can also play games. You can play coding games and learn at the same time, send online postcards to Santa, and play a variety of games all themed with Christmas spirit. Santa’s Village filled with online games and learning opportunities is ready for you now. On Christmas Eve, it will take things to the next level with the Santa Tracker.
Want to send a Christmas list to Santa? Download this free printable wish list.
emailSanta.com Santa Tracker
This fun website provides you with a Santa Tracker, as well as a daily countdown to Christmas and many fun Christmas games. There is live video of the North Pole and up-to-date information on what Santa is doing right now, what he’s been doing, and what he’s about to do next. There are tweets from the elves and ways that you can contact Santa anytime via email. You can even send email from your pet to Rudolph!
To continue reading and to learn about more Santa Trackers, head on over to my article on Family Education here.