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5 New Baby Led Weaning Tips

I've received a lot of comments and questions from people who want to learn more about Baby Led Weaning since posting Baby Food Be Gone: Our Successful First Attempts at Baby Led Weaning, so I'm sharing 5 more tips with you based on our continuing experience with BLW.1. If you have a teething baby, one of the best first foods you can offer her is a hard, cold stick of food. We used peeled, mini cucumber sticks. Once your little one feels the soothing nature of the cucumbers on her swollen gums, she will be much more interested in putting that cucumber stick in her mouth again and again.2. If you have homemade baby food in the house from first trying purees with your little one, it doesn’t have to go to waste. You can use it as a spread on many of the easy first foods. We have used pureed sweet potato and carrot as a spread on all of Baby’s favorite multigrain foods: toast, rice cake, and waffle. This is also an easy way to offer your baby varied tastes with one easily handled piece of food.3. Don’t worry if your little one is not ingesting much food! If your child is taking part in meal time with you, handling a variety of foods, and exploring tastes, then he is accomplishing a lot! All you have to do is place the food options on your baby’s tray, and let him take it from there. If your baby is still breastfed, then he is getting all of the nutrients he needs. Anything extra that he ingests through the Baby Led Weaning process is only icing on the cake.4. Dipping is fun! Once your baby gets used to eating foods like carrot sticks, celery, and asparagus sticks, try putting out a bowl of various dips for her to explore. She will have a lot of fun dipping her veggies into hummus, yogurt dip, or melted cheese.5. Your baby will do best with pieces of food that are about the size of his fist. If you find that some foods are too slippery, try coating them in something crunchy. For example, a banana can be coated in crushed Cheerios. This offers your baby an additional taste and will keep her little hands from slipping.If you have additional tips or questions, please share them in the comments section below.***Also, if you are a Google follower of my blog, please subscribe via email or RSS because my Google Friend Connect is having technical difficulties and you will not receive updated feed. Thank you!