Sunday Surf: The Best of What I Read This Week
Today, I am very happy to launch my first week of Sunday Surf, where I will share the best of what I read this week. Please enjoy some of my favorite posts!
I was so excited that The Red Dress Club launched a weekly memoir prompt. I really enjoyed writing my first memoir of five special minutes in my life, but more importantly, I was introduced to some incredible writers and poignant posts. For the past five days, I have been absolutely haunted by a beautiful and heartwrenching post by Transplanted Thoughts called That Monday Mourning. Please visit this post and introduce yourselves to an inspiring and talented blogger.
If you recover from reading the above post, check out a beautiful response to the question, "What inspires you as a parent?" by Pat of Heal Thyself. Pat shared her post with me on Facebook after reading the inspiration for my blog. We're certainly both riding the same mama high!
Now that you're hopefully feeling inspired as a parent, check out a couple of practical ways to put your inspiration into action:Greener Cleaning Moms shared 10 Reasons to Become a "Greener Cleaning Mom". I enjoyed this post because it offers big reasons and simple steps towards making greener choices for your home.
Along the same lines, one of my fellow sistas in our 31 Days to Build a Better Blog course, Caren with a "C", wrote a great post called Back to Basics at Home Makes for a Happier and Healthier Life. This list post references several of the action steps that I am trying to focus on as a new parent to make our home life happier and healthier for my special guy.
Now that you've read some wonderful, serious posts, here are a couple of recommendations that made me laugh out loud this week:Big Questions From Little People by Morgan at The Little Hen House was downright hilarious. If you've ever fielded an awkward question from a child, you will especially enjoy this.
Rated by Mom shared Meet Morgan and Her Apology to Sophie the Giraffe. If you've purchased Sophie the Giraffe for your child and questioned why you spent $19.99 on a glorified dog toy, you will appreciate this one.
I hope you all have a fantastic Sunday! If you're still in need of more quality reading material, you'll find 52 posts describing the parenting essentials that these bloggers couldn't live without from this month's Carnival of Natural Parenting, hosted by Hobo Mama and Code Name: Mama.