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Random Acts of Kindness Month: For My Husband

March of Kindness

This month, I am joining Code Name: Mama and many others in A March of Kindness. We are committing to performing one random act of kindness for someone - our child, our partner, a friend, a stranger, ourselves - every day for the month of March. We'll be sharing updates about this on our blogs and on Facebook. Please feel free to join us by posting your own random acts of kindness in the comments sections of our posts, on our Facebook pages, or on your own blog if you have one!
For my first official random act of kindness, I would like to publicly recognize my husband for being one of the kindest, most supportive, and understanding people I have ever known. Jeff's 35th birthday was on Sunday, and here's what I really wanted to give him - a list of 35 reasons why I love him:
1. He is so non-judgmental. Jeff always gives people the benefit of the doubt.
2. He is the ultimate "Joe King". Jeff tries to make Baby and I laugh and smile every chance he gets.
3. Jeff is an amazing father. He has been a naturally perfect father from the second Baby arrived, saying "Welcome to the World" and giving our baby his first real hug.
4. He works really hard, and does his job with so much care and concern for his company and colleagues. Our world would be a much better place if everyone performed their jobs with the ethics and dedication that my husband utilizes on a daily basis.
5. Jeff is very openminded!
6. He has a wonderful family that I am proud to now be a part of.
7. Jeff understands me and somehow loves me unfailingly despite my weirdness and shortcomings.
8. Call it cliche, but he inspires me to be a better person every day.
9. Jeff really cares about all three of us being healthy people and making healthy choices on a daily basis.
10. I can hang out with him all the time and be content.
11. Jeff always appreciates the beauty of nature and helps me see things I wouldn't notice otherwise.
12. He couldn't look happier to see Baby and me when he walks in the door from work.
13. Jeff's a great guitar player, and Baby loves to watch him play.
14. He's exactly the kind of man I want Baby to grow up to be.
15. He loves our cats and treats them much better than I these days.
16. We have the same priorities, values, and dreams.
17. I would have never made it through the first couple of weeks of breastfeeding without his help.
18. He cooks more than I do.
19. Jeff is so kind to everyone.
20. Life has been easier and more peaceful that I ever thought it could be since I met him.
21. He is bearing the stress of being the sole income in our household so I can be a stay at home mom.
22. Jeff encourages me to do everything I ever want to do and motivates me to stick with it.
23. I would not be blogging and writing had he not come up with the idea and encouraged it.
24. He's really smart.
25. And incredibly humble.
26. I truly feel like we are equal partners in our marriage.
27. Jeff is curious and inquisitive and loves learning like I do.
28. He gives really good back rubs. Baby agrees too.
29. He puts our family first always.
30. Jeff loves his friends and family and always wants the best for them.
31. He's up for anything.
32. And good at almost everything he does.
33. I know I'll always feel thankful and lucky for having him in my life.
34. Our baby thinks he's a rock star.
35. He's ours.
honeymoon castle