Sunday Surf: A Few Posts I Loved This Week
Today is my second Sunday Surf post, where I will share some posts that I loved reading this week. I hope you enjoy them!
I'm so honored!The first thing I would like to share is that I am so honored to be Instinctual Mamas' First Instinctual Mama Blogger of the Month! If you would like to learn more about me, check out the interview on their site.
If you're not familiar with this wonderful blog, Instinctual Mamas was created by Christy of Adventures in Mommyhood and Tanya of Rockin' Momma. Per their About Me section: Instinctual Mamas was created by two moms who believe in Instinctual Parenting and helping others, to listen to their own instincts. Instinctual Mamas believes in helping other like minded bloggers,present and link you to articles of interest, information about breastfeeding, cloth diapering , baby wearing, gentle parenting and all things natural for your child.
If you would like to be inspired:Check out My Biggest Struggles... and Part 2... by Kimberly at Mama's Monologues for her gripping true story. You'll be so impressed with her strength and bravery!
If you haven't met Shelley from I'm Still Standing, you must stop by her blog and say hello. She is one inspiring woman, and she also happens to be the hostess of the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog community that I am part of. Shelley's post called Bitter-Sweet will take you on a captivating ride as she tells her story of heartbreak being turned into inspiration. If you've ever thought you are dealing with more than you can handle, read this story and let Shelley inspire you to not only rise above, but help others too.
If you would like to improve your life:Check out Changing the Way We Eat: 1 Link at a Time. This post by Nicole of Searching for Sustenance will provide you with a wealth of resources for learning about good food and healthy eating.
If you have been spending as much time indoors as I have due to this winter's weather, you might be interested in checking out Job Description: Mommy's post about how to have cleaner, indoor air in a beautiful way: House Plants for Cleaner Indoor Air
Happy Reading, everyone, and I hope you've all had a great weekend!
P.S. Here is my first Sunday Surf post in case you missed it!