A Poem for Baby's 10 Month Birthday


April is National Poetry Month and the month of the Poem a Day Challenge, and I'm celebrating by writing poems in my head while I nurse Baby in the middle of the night!
You,unknowing yet wise,diminutive yet full of heart,have done for mewhat I have spent a lifetimetrying to do for myself.
You've lassoed time,drawn it in,and placed it in a bubbleof peace and contentment,fixed in place,neither rolling back to the pastor forward to the future.
You have given methe gift of the present,where I'm now suspendedwith you -the past no longera prickly burrholding me back,and the future no longerthe impetus of my daily life.
Thanks to you,the presentis all I need,as long as I sitin this bubblewith you.
Happy 10 Month Birthday, Baby!
10 month birthday boy
More Mama poetry:Why are you called I Thought I Knew Mama?Ode to My Little Valentine on His 8 Month BirthdayA Poem from the Middle of the Night with Baby


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