Lessons Learned from a March of Kindness

I can't believe the month of March - and Code Name: Mama's March of Kindness is over - it really flew by! March felt really special thanks to my goal of committing a random act of kindness every day. Some were bigger than others, like my post listing 35 things I love about my husband and my support for Mission Mommyhood's quest for motherhood , but the best part of this month was learning about the acts of kindness that other people in the blogosphere were committing. It was so inspirational to read new stories every day about people making a difference in the lives of others.
From the very beginning of this month of kindness, there was one theme that seemed to jump out at me over and over and over again: Kindness begets more kindness. It's such a simple lesson, but one that is powerful and worth sharing.
I'm a big believer in karma - or what comes around goes around - or whatever you choose to call it, and this past month seemed like a constant living example of that philosophy. Every time I made an attempt to be kind, I feel like I received kindness back tenfold. This kindness karma seemed almost eerie to me at times because it was impossible to ignore. Whether the kindness came from strangers or loved ones, it seemed constant and practically ever present.
This may have also been a function of the whole idea of seeing the world as a reflection of yourself. I had kindness on my mind, so I couldn't help but notice it and feel gratitude for the acts of kindness that were committed for me.
When you're looking to be kind, you start really noticing the little things that people do. Grand gestures are always wonderful, of course, but it's the little thing that can make or break your day. I challenge all of my readers to notice and feel gratitude for the little kindnesses. You'll be amazed at how they impact you.
Looking back on the month, here are a few lessons I learned:
Kindness is the adoring way Baby looks at me when we play with the mirror and he thinks I can't see him.
Kindness is my mom suddenly buying Baby pajamas without flame retardant chemicals, bibs from Eco Baby Buys, and asking questions about safe and natural toys because she's been reading my blog posts.
Kindness is my husband waking up early after being up with Baby half the night to snowblow the driveway and clear the car off before work so Baby and I don't get stuck in the house for the day.
Kindness is my mother-in-law making sure to comment on about 90% of the blog posts I've written.
Kindness is my almost 11 year old cat letting Baby pull her fur and pinch her all over without flinching.
Kindness is the note I received from Mission Mommyhood's mother after I wrote Let's Support a Mama to Be. It's notes and comments like this one that make me want to blog forever.
I could go on and on, but rather than do that, I hope you'll take the time to create your own list of kindnesses committed for you. I promise that it will make your day brighter!
baby and kitties


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