I'm the SITS Girl in the Spotlight!

I am SO honored to be featured as the SITS Girl in the Spotlight this weekend!
If you are a blogger, you can visit the feature and link up your blog at the bottom of their post, so head on over!
If you're not familiar with SITS, the acronym stands for The Secret to Success is Support. We are a group of more than 8,000 women bloggers who are dedicated to supporting each other. If you're looking for blogging tips, new readers, new blogs to read, or just new friends, SITS is the place to be.
SITS has been incredibly helpful to me from an education standpoint. Shelley of I'm Still Standing recently led a group of us through the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog challenge hosted by SITS. I learned so much from this challenge and from the wonderful women I met who took the challenge with me. I am really proud to be part of such a supportive community! I am also very excited to attend SITS' Bloggy Bootcamp conference in Boston on May 7th. I hope to see some of you there!
If you're visiting my blog for the first time from SITS, welcome and thank you so much for visiting! Please introduce yourself in the comments section or in my community.
For a quick tour of my blog, I recommend visiting the following posts:Why are you called I Thought I Knew Mama?I Cannot Imagine Parenting Without…Baby Food Be Gone: Our Successful First Attempts at Baby Led WeaningIn This Moment: A Memoir of 5 Minutes
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
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