5 More Books My One Year Old Loves

As many of you know, Baby is a true lover of books - just like his mama. Here are 5 books my one year old loves right now:
1. Baby Touch and Feel TrucksThis book launched Baby's fascination with trucks, cars, and all things that go. He loves the textures of the trucks and the sound effects. This book is the reason Baby says: BRMM BRMM every time he sees or hears a vehicle!
2. Blue Hat, Green HatThis book has helped spur Baby's interest in colors, but more importantly, it also makes him laugh. I don't know how Baby could possible have known that the chicken in the book is supposed to be funny, but for months, he's always laughed at the appropriate chicken parts - which makes Mama laugh too!
3. All the Ways I Love YouBaby's aunt and uncle gave this book to him for his first birthday. This is a recordable book, so Baby hears his aunt and uncle's voices reading each page to him as he turns the pages. This is such a sweet way to have out of state family present in Baby's daily life, and Baby thinks it is so fun to hear he story read to him by someone other than me.
4. Wheels on the BusIt seems like all small children love this song, and Baby is no exception. He likes seeing the illustrations paired with my off key singing, and he can now do some of the accompanying movements to the song which is really fun. He puts his hands in the air for the up and down part and moves his arms back and forth in attempts to do Move on Back and the Wipers on the Bus Go Swish Swish Swish.
5. Three Little KittensSince Baby is obsessed with cats, we have several cat books that he adores, but this is one of the favorites. He loves the beat of this classic nursery rhyme, and he is fascinated by the brightly colored illustrations, interesting shape of the book, googly eyes of the cats, and felt tips of the cat ears.
To see more books that Baby loves: The Top 5 Books That My One Year Old Loves Right Now


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